Collating information on the presence and abundance of Atlantic bluefin tuna in UK waters using scientific and citizen science methods
As part of the project we are asking all marine users to kindly share their sightings and catches of Atlantic bluefin tuna so that we can begin to understand the local ecology of the species. We’d love your pictures, logbook records or even just a text with some details, all are useful!
The most useful are records with:
Date & time
Approx. number of fish (1-10; 11-25; 26-50; > 50)
Approx. size of fish (<0.5m, 0.5-1m, 1-1.5m, 1.5-2m, >2m).
We can accept data in any format: If you have records you would like to share then please fill in the form below and send them over; If you prefer to use file sharing websites or if you have pictures and/or data sheets then pleas email bluefin@exeter.ac.uk and we will put in the effort to make the sharing process as easy as possible for you.
We will also be holding annual events to give everyone an opportunity to see their information in action, so please do keep an eye out on the website for those dates. These events will also be an opportunity for us to share information from our tagging program and advice service.